Peace Tribe Rising

Majid Alsayegh: Peace Tribe Rising #10, with host Matt Lakenbach

Season 1 Episode 10

Join Majid and Matt for a fascinating and inspiring conversation about peacemaking, including the power of music and the arts to soften perceptions and create openings for dialogue. Majid also shares about the calling to speak out for peace in a world that often suppresses those voices. Says Majid, "Many people would like to speak out but they fear being ostracized by their own family, their own tribe. But the world is hurting. There are too many conflicts in this world, and some of us are called to make the world whole. And to me that calling is much stronger than my fear of being ostracized. And I've been called out, been put on websites, blacklisted, because I've promised steps toward s understanding the another, steps toward resolving conflict, steps toward compromise, rather than beating that drum of demonizing the other, which I refuse to do. It takes courage. Each person has to decide for themselves if they want to be a change agent or if they want to be satisfied with the status quo. I'm not satisfied with the status quo." 
Listen in to this enlightening discussion and discover what it means to live from a commitment of being pro-peace rather than a partisan for one side or the other. 

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